How to use IsoMut
Main steps of running IsoMut
- Prepare dependencies
- IsoMut needs samtools to be installed
- Prepare input data and reference genome
- IsoMut expects indexed BAM files and an indexed fasta file of the reference genome as its input
- BAM files can be generated from raw sequencing data by using an alignment software which aligns short reads to an appropriate reference genome
- The reference fasta file is used only for alignment purposes, mutations are not detected based on the differences of the samples from the reference genome
- Indexing of the BAM files can be done with the "samtools index" command, while indexing of the reference fasta file with the "samtools faidx" command
- Download and compile IsoMut
- Modify paths, directories and sample names
- Run IsoMut
- Interpret results
An example run
The ipython notebook below demonstrates how to run IsoMut on an example dataset of 10 DT40 samples. The BAM files only contain a short, 10 MB portion of the first chromosome, thus any biological interpretation of the results is inadvisable. The notebook can be run without any changes to it for a rapid test run.